sexta-feira, 10 de maio, 2019

Cielo will reinforce his operation in the U.S.

While the ' War ' still gives the tone to the Brazilian payment market, Cielo, the industry leader, decided to reinforce its American operation through Merchant e-Solutions (MeS). The company, acquired in 2012, must receive a contribution of about R $178 million (US $45 million) by its parent in the next three years. With the injection of resources, the idea is to make the MeS more competitive to compete in the American market that, unlike the Brazilian, is much more segmented. There was an expectation that the MeS would, on the contrary, be sold on account of not so satisfactory results. The movement was considered even after Cielo invested US $670 million to acquire it and also made an attempt to tropicalize its system to Brazil. Change of course. The company's reading would be, however, that there is a promising opportunity with Machininhas in Uncle Sam's land. While it wants to be strengthened in the American market, Cielo evaluates to Exchange R $3.4 billion in bonuses issued abroad to pay the purchase of MeS. The idea is to better manage your box to face the war of machinery in Brazil. Wanted, Cielo did not comment.
O Estado de S. Paulo - 10/05/2019 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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