quarta-feira, 08 de maio, 2019

Cement industry has high 0.2% in sales in April about a year earlier, says Snic

SÃO PAULO (Reuters)-Cement manufacturers in Brazil had a high of 0,2% in the sales of the input in April in comparison with the same period last year, to 4,370,000 tons, reported on Tuesday the association representing the sector, Snic. In the quarter-master, sales rose 0,9%, to 17,040,000 tons. In the evaluation of the President of the entity, Paulo Camillo, the sales of April were below the growth presented by the sector at the beginning of the year. But for May the Snic expects a "more robust expansion, since in the same month of 2018 we had a low sales volume due to the truckers ' strike." According to the entity, economic indicators are not yet pointing out a definite trajectory, "bringing uncertainty in the demand projection exercise" of cement in the country this year. Despite this, Camillo stated that Snic maintained the projected growth of 3% in cement sales in Brazil this year.
DCI - 07/05/19 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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