terça-feira, 16 de abril, 2019

Preparatory courses are seeking space in addition to the metropolitan regions

With a strong presence in major urban centres, the preparatory courses in medicine and law firms seeking to expand their operations to outlying regions. The scarcity of specialized content in distant cities and the lack of preparation for graduation are some of the factors for the evolution of this demand. One of the examples of preparatory courses – known popularly as courses – is the SJT Medical Education. "For 15 years, had on the market entry of 10000 graduates. Currently, this number rose to 22000. About 80% of those who wish to enter into any residency, which often are extremely popular, "said the General Director of the DCI SJT medical education course, Daniel Galelli. According to him, one of the goals of the course is to broaden the scope of action for the North and Northeast Regions of Brazil, due to the high demand for exam preparation institutions for recent grads. "Currently we have 186 units. We have priority cities in the North and northeast of the country for the development of these courses, such as Salvador and Goiânia, where there is population growth as well, "he argued. Without revealing the number of students enrolled, the account executive the demand grows 20% to 25% annually. In addition, most students begin to perform preparatory modules – which have variation in prices between R $300 $1500 reais until R from the junior year of undergraduate. Another player on the market that comes watching this trend in recent years is the editora Saraiva, who created a preparatory course for the examination of the Bar Association of Brazil (OAB) named as Sami Approves. "The growth is slower than the previously registered. This happens a lot due to the competitiveness that this thread has acquired. We're with 5000 students active in the online platform, "says the Coordinator of the content Are education, Isabella Sanchez.De accordance with the Executive, the bet of the institution is in the second phase of the examination, which" requires preparation in terms of competitiveness ". "We see in the second phase of our ' pot of gold. We have three options of course, ' "she explained. According to Isabella, by more than the States of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo are consolidated poles students, "the entry of students in the Northeast has been increasingly frequent". Furthermore, Isabella argues that one of the challenges in this segment educational performance is linked to the "big" lag in terms of basic concepts that these students present. "The courses they need to turn to absorb these deficiencies. Most of these students come from colleges, "dough, she said. Operating in the same segment, the institution Damásio has 10000 students enrolled in Educational law and presents average growth of 15% in the volume of students. "Due to the growth in the number of universities in the Northeast, we started having a lot of students also in this region. I believe it will be a natural movement, "argued the Director of preparatory courses, Vanessa Pancioni. According to the Executive, the courses are divided into modules that can last between a month and six months. For her, with the tendency to course expansion to Brazil's most remote regions, the natural movement is that the use of distance learning (ODL) is more frequent in these locations. "Currently, we have about 200 franchised units. Even though the vast majority of students consume the content through virtual platforms, the availability of physical spaces for the study is also very important, "said Vanessa. According to her, since the complexity of the evidence has been increasing in recent years, the course has been enhanced in corrections "individualized" in relation to the demands of the students and also the focus on the structure of essays and legal thinking. The value of preparatory course fees was not disclosed.
DCI - 16/04/2019 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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