segunda-feira, 22 de abril, 2019

Malls devoted attention to pets and raise customer flow in

With the goal of elevating the consumer flow and enlarge the range of commercial partnerships within the enterprises, the malls Brazilians intensify the opening of new spaces to receive pets. "Many Brazilians consider and treat their pets as if they were family members. From the time the Mall prevents entry of any kind of pet is losing consumers to enter the place, "said the Managing Director of the consulting firm GS & Malls, Luiz Alberto Marino. According to him, the current movement is intensifying due to an "inevitable change" and that should hit most businesses in major urban centres. "It also reinforces the image Brazilian malls that are not business related only to retail, but a living center that offers services", he argued. One example of such initiatives is the Tietê River Plaza Shopping Center, located in the capital of São Paulo who went on to allow the entry of pets since the inauguration of the project in 2013. "We found an opportunity in this region which is made up mostly by households with animals. Let's focus going forward in the implementation of services, "said the Director of enterprise marketing, Fátima dos Santos. The Executive exemplifies these initiatives saying that there was the recent creation of a space back to receive these animals while the owners go to the movies or to the food court. "The expectation is that expand current customer loyalty by offering more convenience. We received around 2000 pets monthly, "she said. On site, there are cleanup materials for the owner to clean the basic needs of the animal. If the pet do the needs in the Hall, Mall staff cleans. In this sense, the GS specialist & Mall asserts that it is often better to the shopping center to reset the cleaning of logistics corridors than lose the flow of consumers in the long run. "Some care must be taken with the permission of entry of animals, such as the safety of animals and also cleaning the environment", he argued. In addition, the mall's marketing director, points out that the creation of the space can be a gateway to the establishment of partnerships with brands of pet universe. "The network's interest in entering the enterprise segment ends up being a consequence of the creation of this space. With that, these brands can also take advantage of the space to publicize the launch of products, "he added and Executive. Numbers in relation to the expected increase in the average ticket and also the avoidance of the Mall were not disclosed. Another example of positioning in this sense was the Manager of shopping malls Partage Shpping. "After a long period of study on the subject, we saw the opportunity to offer customers products parallel to the entry permit of animals in our units," explained the Director of marketing for administrator, Julius M. According to him, this was very important to attract petshop networks inside of enterprises, since the demand was for customers in all the complexes managed by the group. "We currently have four shopping malls with that proposal geared to the pets. By the end of the year our goal is to implement it in all the developments ", argued the Commission, emphasizing that the implementation must occur quickly due to" strong demand ". According to him, the regions of Campina Grande (PB), Paraupebas (PA), Rio Grande (RS), São Gonçalo (RJ) and Natal (RN) must be regions with greater flow of animals and consumers within the enterprises. "Our expectation is also that these squares are also attractive to networks of petshops and related products and services to the industry," added the Executive.
DCI - 22/04/2019 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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