quinta-feira, 18 de abril, 2019

Chocolate represents only 27% of the cost of the Easter egg

The tunnels of Easter eggs break into supermarkets. And it's not just the eggs on the heights, the prices too. The product will arrive to cost more than triple your equivalent in barra. The chocolate matches only 27% of the value of the Easter egg for the consumer, according to a study of Azo retail consulting business. The rest of the price is divided by the packing (16%), by labor to assemble the product (18%) and other expenses (39%), as gifts (toys), storage, carriage and insurance. While an Easter egg 350 grams costs Alpine 62.99 dollars in store from the northern zone of São Paulo, the consumer could buy four bars of 100 grams each the same chocolate 23.96 reals. Already the egg Laka of 170 grams is found by 30.99 reais, while the equivalent in cost real 9.98 bar-two bars of 90 grams each. The industry justify the price difference to higher production costs, according to the Brazilian Association of the industry of chocolate, peanuts and Candies (Abicab). Among the main reasons for the high price to Abicab eggs, are differentiated packaging, spending more with transport and storage and hiring workers. Production: the feature of the product is a factor that requires special production processes manufacturers. The traditional chocolate is made in automated lines, while the eggs are prepared, in good part, manually. Storage and transport: the eggs take up three times more space than ordinary chocolate, so spending on transport and storage are triple, according to the industry. You must also have temperature controlled conditions since the output of the product manufacturing line until the arrival at the point of sale. Packaging: the packaging process is manual and uses raw materials higher and more sophisticated than that of a regular line of chocolates. Are used in the production of Easter items, like aluminum foil, cellophane-type sheets, labels and tapes. Workers: the industries need to hire temporary professionals that often remain active in companies for up to six months. This year alone, were generated more than 18,000 temporary jobs, being 30% of these intended for factories and 70% the sales points. Contracted employees work in manufacturing, packaging, storage, distribution and promotion of the product. Retail Another factor that also influences the price of Easter eggs is the retail profit margin. "The willingness to buy is greater than the right of purchase. How people consume on impulse, the market sees a chance to increase your profit, "says Edson Machado, a specialist in retail innovation management from Ibmec. Proof of that is that, "after Easter Sunday, the eggs remain the same, but prices fall", according to AX. The marketing work performed in the production and promotion of the product also has an impact on the cost, according to André Barrie, IPC Coordinator of FGV. "The whole process invested marketing adds value to the product. It's like putting make-up on the chocolate, "he says. Retail sales targeted for Easter this year should grow by 1.5% compared to last year, according to the National Confederation of trade in goods, services and tourism (CNC). If confirmed the projection, will be the third year in a row of real growth in sales, despite the pace to be lower than last year, when increased 2%. Research shows that the chocolates, flagship of the Holy week, sales are, on average, 5.7 percent more expensive this year. Source: See
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