sexta-feira, 01 de novembro, 2019

Shopkeepers Predict 7% Increase in Temporary Vacancies

By the end of the year, the projection of shopkeepers is that the number of temporary vacancies will grow 7% compared to the annual year. There will be 40,000 vacancies open throughout Brazil, especially during the Black Friday and Christmas period. The data are from a survey conducted by FCDLESP (Federation of Chambers of Shopkeepers of the State of São Paulo). According to the survey, the sectors that should hire the most are clothing, electronics, restaurants and cosmetics. According to the entity, the purpose of shopkeepers is to hire from 4 to 10 temporary employees. Methodology The research was conducted with the participation of CDLs of the State of São Paulo, which sent local data, such as the average number of vacancies that can be opened, which date has the most representation as hiring, the sector that tends to employ the most and the possible reason search for temporary vacancies.
Giro News - 29/10/2019 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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