terça-feira, 05 de novembro, 2019

Schornstein and Leuven Breweries Create CBCA

The Breweries Schornstein, from Pomerode (SC), and Leuven, from Piracicaba (SP), merged to form the Brazilian Company of Craft Beer (CBCA). The new company is born with a portfolio of 30 products and a productive capacity that can reach 280,000 liters per month, with headquarters in the South and Southeast of the country. According to the brewery, from now on, the processes of unification of operations will be accelerated and joint strategies are implemented. For the consumer, Schornstein and Leuven follow with different products and identities. However, for the market, there will be a "series of facilities generated," cbca says.
Giro News - 04/11/2019 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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