segunda-feira, 28 de outubro, 2019

Fruit exports in The San Francisco Valley expected to break record

Fruit exports are expected to break a record in the São Francisco Valley in Pernambuco. The production of mango and grape is exceeding expectations. This is considered the best semester for local grape producers. Somewhat a relief, since 2018 was a difficult year. Climate problems and the emergence of pests have decreased sales abroad by 16%. The European market is the main buyer. For this year, the expectation is to export 45,000 tons, an increase of 28% over last year. The sleeve also recovered. By the end of 2019 fruit exports are expected to grow by 42%. If the good pace is maintained, the region can reach the record mark of R$ 1 billion in manga and grape exports at the end of the harvest.
G1 - 27/10/2019 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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