terça-feira, 22 de janeiro, 2019

Sale of tablets should show 5% indentation in 4th tri, says IDC

SÃO PAULO-sales of tablets in Brazil must be registered 5% drop in the fourth quarter over a year earlier, to 1,140,000 units, estimated the market research firm IDC, on Monday. In the third quarter, sales of tablets in the country amounted to 982,000 units, 4,4% less than the same period of 2017, pressed by the Exchange, which raised the cost of equipment. " The dollar was the main reason for the drop in sales since the high of American currency caused the rise in the prices of input models and affected the retail supply of medium and high performance products, "said in a statement to the press Wellington La Falce IDC research analyst Brazil. " The performance in the third quarter was not only worse because of the tablets to the children, purchased in advance at retail, which was preparing for the children's day, and for purchases of 25000 units for the corporate market, 55% more than in the same period of 2017, "he added.
DCI - 21/01/2019 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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