quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro, 2019

Brazil Gets 210 New Breweries in 2018

In 2018, 210 new breweries were registered in Brazil. The sector has remained a growth of 30% and closed the year with 889 factories. Of the Brazilian municipalities, 479 5,570 already have at least one brewery. The data were released by the Ministry of agriculture, livestock and food supply (Mapa). According to the information, were recorded 6800 beers and beers. The States of Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul had over a thousand records each. "With more options, regional labels and a work of inclusion of all Brazilian States in the universe of craft beer, we believe it's possible to overcome the 3% of the volume of beer sold in the next few years.", says Carlo Lapolli, President of the Brazilian Association of Craft Beer (Abracerva). States with the largest number of breweries the Rio Grande South follows with the greatest concentration: 186 breweries (in 2017 were 142). Follow the list (165), Minas Gerais (115), Santa Catarina (105) and Paraná (93).
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