quinta-feira, 09 de agosto, 2018

Sinapi Varies 0.52% in July, says IBGE

The national index of construction (Sinapi) showed variation of 0.52% in July, falling 0.06 percentage point below the rate of the previous month (0.58%). The index is calculated by IBGE. The YTD stayed at 2.65%, and in the last 12 months at 4.01%, below the 4.07% recorded in the twelve months immediately prior. In July the index was 0.58% 2017. The national construction cost per square metre, which in June was in R $1,089.46, went to R $1,095.09 in July, being R $563.69 and R $531.40 materials relating to labor. The portion of materials presented the biggest variation of the year, 0.88%.
Giro News - 08/08/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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