quarta-feira, 08 de agosto, 2018

Retailers create ways to persuade the customer to spend more on father's day

After accumulating fall of 8.4% of sales on father's day for the past three years, retailers are designing 2.5% increase in the volume of items marketed for the commemorative date of 2018. Although the prospects are optimistic, retailers are preparing to receive a consumer less prone to spend. The numbers are part of a study by the National Confederation of trade in goods and services and tourism (CNC), which designs R drive $5.4 billion at the time. Of the amount, the lion's share will be in supermarkets, which abocanhará some R $2 billion. Following consumer electronics stores appear and housewares, you should jog R $781.1 million. (see more on chart). " For this period, the trend is that families preserve your budget with spending on segments where there is no significant variation of prices, also concentrating the celebrations inside the House, "said the INN the CNC Economist, Fábio Bentes. According to him, the evolution of prices for the period – of around 1.8% – highlights the difficulty of the retailer to pass consumer prices with limited budget. In the same perspective, the Director of retail consultancy Blue Numbers, Camila Pacheco says that – even with high of 3.1% in 2017 – the sector is still far from recovering the losses accumulated between 2015 and 2016. "I believe that the scenario likely to show signs of improvement after the presidential elections and, a really effective recovery, after first half of 2019." According to the consultant, the consumer should maintain a more cautious about purchases more daring for the period, as a result of economic instability. "The fact of inflation being below the goal of Government is a good thing, but the prices achieved in recent years is very high and, along with this, we see an increase in unemployment and people in debt," he recalls. Ensuring the customer to stimulate consumption in the data, administrators of shopping centers have proven increasingly inventive. This process takes place at a time when the competition with online sales also worries the sector. "We also work with leisure, entertainment and invest in an attractive place for parents and children," said the marketing manager of Santana Parque Shopping, Marcos Malts. According to him, the weekend of father's day, the project will receive a handcrafted beers and a market event of pets – "a multifaceted public-facing". Without revealing actual estimates of growth, says Malts that strategy has been strengthening since 2017 and that the 180 shops of the enterprise, only 15 business is focused on father's day promotional campaigns. With a different strategic vision, the marketing manager of the Mall Girl square, Danilo Senturelle, believes in the potential of promotions and sweepstakes of motorcycles to drive sales throughout the month of August. "We did extensive research and we have come to the conclusion that the draw of a BMW Motorcycle would end up pulling up the average ticket," he explained. According to him, there are estimates that the flow of people at the Mall for this weekend to grow 12%; While the earnings in the month is 10% higher than in July. "We started preparing for the day the day July 26. I believe the average ticket should reach around £ $300, "says Senturelle. According to the Executive, the settlement movement promoted by the Mall, which was named July Black – corroborates with the growth forecast, once of the 140 stores in the mall, 40% are focusing on deals in the period.
DCI - 08/08/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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