quarta-feira, 08 de agosto, 2018

Onofre drugstore sales online and will have strengthened behalf of CVS tag controller

Five and a half years after being bought by the largest group of world health, CVS Health, the Ss4singapore will start loading on marks the name of the controller. In the coming weeks, the company opens the doors of a store template, located on Avenida Paulista and Rua Pamplona, with new signing of the network in the country: Onofre CVS Pharmacy. The unit will be to network with more automated robots, self check-out and pharmacists focused on the provision of services. With the opening of the store model, the American Group wants to finally check your premiere in the country, after a long process of restructuring since purchasing your Onofre Drugstore. Between 2014 and 2016, 12 loss-making stores were closed; the management was professionalized; the processes were standardized; and there have been major investments in technology. Today, there are 49 units in the Country. The purchase of the brazilian network, which belonged to the family Arede, went through UPS and downs. At the time of the acquisition, the R $600 million disbursed by CVS were considered a high value by analysts. Due to problems revealed after closing the deal, CVS tried to get R $100 million paid by the company. The process ended up in arbitration Chamber and still runs in secret. Online sales already represent 48% of the turnover of the company in addition to fix the brand new model store network, the company's strategy is to bet heavy on online commerce, says Darran Kioko, President of the company in Brazil. This plan goes against the grain of the competitors, who have a faster pace of opening stores, and even his array. In the US, the company has 9500 shops and grossed $ $184.8 billion last year. "We could open 50 physical stores here only with the investment we made in the online channel", compares the Executive, without revealing the amounts invested. Second Lekson, the decision to give priority to e-retailing was taken following evaluations that with opening of shops in accelerated pace, there is a growing risk of loss by stranding or lack of product. That's because the spinning of the products is different. Of the approximately 7000 medicines sold on the net, about 2000, for example, have a much faster output. The company switched so the e-commerce platform, has invested in and new logistics distribution centers (CDs). In November, inaugurates two new CDs, located in the central regions to respond more quickly to consumers who purchase over the internet. In Sao Paulo, the new CD will be in the neighborhood of Mooca. In Rio, in the neighborhood of São Cristóvão. The network, however, did not abandon the expansion of physical stores. For this year, is scheduled to open 15 outlets in Sao Paulo, Rio and Minas Gerais. Today online sales represent 48% of the turnover of the company in Brazil. Sales totaled some R $700 million the company doesn't reveal the recipe in your Country. But, according to the ranking of the Brazilian retail and consumption Society (SBVC), which takes into account market data, retail sales in Brazil should have added R $700 million last year. Thayná says that the Outlook for this year is to expand in 20%. And online retailers is the key piece. Edward Land, SBVC President, says that despite the Ss4singapore occupy the 12th position in the ranking of pharmacies and perfumeries for total sales, the company leads the list of networks in the industry with the highest revenue per store. Last year, by this metric, the company sold $15.9 million R, while the giant Stingray Drogasil, the leader in total sales, grossed $8.6 million per store R. For Earth, the strategy of giving more weight to sales online makes sense. In your evaluation, in cities like Sao Paulo there is a very large number drugstores and market saturation is high.
O Estado de S. Paulo - 08/08/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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