quinta-feira, 09 de agosto, 2018


Vacuum-packed, chicken can be baked directly in aluminum tray To avoid the waste of food, often associated with higher levels of production, as in the case of chicken meat that hit in Britain 182,200 tons in 2017, a increase of 1.4% over the previous year, European companies investing in the development of metal foil packages capable of prolonging the shelf life of foods and offer more convenience to the consumer. In order to meet these needs, the Advanta, based in the United Kingdom, developed for the European chicken processors a package that combines food protection and convenience to the consumer. In the new solution, the bird is marketed in a aluminum tray ready to Cook, remove the plastic wrap that involves. The company spokesman, Miguel Campos, explains that the "bird is vacuum-packed in aluminium tray, eliminating the oxygen and thus increasing the shelf life of chilled birds at up to 300%. Retailers and manufacturers are increasingly opting for this type of packaging, because products with longer shelf life resulting in reduced supply chain waste ". According to the company, both the consumer demand for convenience as the demands of retailers for longer time limits have redirected the priorities of packaging for poultry. "As consumption continues to grow, new concepts are needed to ensure that the packaging is adequate. Regardless of the quality or taste of a product, the package will always have a significant impact on the consumer, "says fields. The new solution allows the bird is cooked directly on aluminium tray supports temperatures of -40° C to 400° C, unbreakable. It is also 100% recyclable, offering a greener option, unlike alternatives of styrofoam or plastic trays.
ABAL - 26/07/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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