sexta-feira, 03 de agosto, 2018

iFood purchase delivery platform Applications in Brazil

The iFood announced yesterday (2) the acquisition of platform ' Applications already ' in Brazil, one of the first companies to offer delivery services in Latin America. The value of the deal, however, was not revealed. According to the Director of Mergers & Acquisitions, Alex Anton, the initiative reflects the iFood strategy in expanding the innovation within the universe of food deliveries. "We are very optimistic with this acquisition. The ' Already ' Requests is a very dear. When we talk about online orders, the company was a pioneer in educating the Brazilian and has a base of about 15000 restaurants for Brazil ", celebrates the Executive. According to him, the operation, the brand "strengthens your market leadership in strategic squares in the country and extends the base of new users and restaurants partners". Today, the Orders already has a base of about 15000 restaurants by Brazil. In parallel to the operation in the country, the iFood announced the sale of participation of your brand in Argentina for the ' Already ' Applications. According to the company, the purchase does not have to pass through the sieve of Cade. /DaRedação
DCI - 03/08/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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