quarta-feira, 08 de agosto, 2018

American company creates beverage can that freezes alone

Freeze the drink anywhere, independent of electricity or ice. This is the proposal of The Joseph Company Company of California (USA), specializing in food and technology, which has just launched a system that brings this solution. The company announced the product as "the first world Tin gela alone". The U.S. company says it has spent 25 years developing and perfecting the technology behind those cans, the drinks sector already tries to create several years ago (see here). "Consumers in areas with limited cooling, participating in activities like camping, fishing or boating and small merchants understand the impact that autorrefrigeração represents nowadays to society," says Mitchell j. Joseph, CEO of the company. To activate the cooling system, it is necessary to turn the Pack upside down and rotate a little plastic piece on the bottom of the aluminum container until the sound of the carbon dioxide (CO2) being released can be heard. It is this gas that cools the drink in a range of 75 to 90 seconds, making your temperature fall about 16 degrees of. The system adds a weight of 150 g packaging (see the video below, in English, how the package works). The first product to adopt the new cans is Sparkling Cold Brew Coffee Fizzics, a line of coffee ice cream coolers of the network of 7-Eleven convenience stores. The liquid is packaged in 250 ml cans. Drinks will be initially marketed as part of a trial period in 15 stores in the Los Angeles area. According to the Director of own brands of 7-Eleven, Tim Cogil, "as the cooling technology is so innovative, we wanted to present it with a drink too. Coffee and soft drinks with gas complied with the criteria ". "Fizzics will be the first that can be refrigerated on demand, bringing a new level of convenience for customers who want to enjoy a cold drink when and wherever they are." Three flavours of Sparkling Fizzics Cold Brew Coffee: regular, vanilla and caramel. Mitchell j. Joseph States that 7-Eleven is using innovative technology because "for the first time, the value of the drink doesn't just come from the drink itself, but also the packaging". Joseph explains that drink packaged in Tin gela alone remains cold of 30 to 35 minutes longer than a common Tin because it cools from the inside out, rather than be cold from the outside in. The Joseph Company believes in the success of the packaging, so that is investing 20 million dollars in your infrastructure. The company is building a new production plant and technology in Youngstown, Ohio. Production should begin in the first half of 2019 and will have the capacity to produce 1 to 2 billion autorrefrigerantes cans per year.
Embalagem Marca - 02/08/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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