quarta-feira, 11 de julho, 2018

Supermarket billing paulistas 10% grows in may

In the State of São Paulo, actual sales of supermarkets 10.13% grew in may, compared with the same period last year. Calculating pe of Apas (São Paulo supermarket Association) and considers the concept all the stores. With that, the five first months of accumulated 2018 reveals 5.66% growth in turnover of supermarkets in São Paulo, in relation to the results observed between January and may 2017. When the analysis is done within the same store concept, in which are considered only units with at least 12 months of operation, the may sales record 7.65% increase and the year comes to 3.88% growth. The may result still does not show negative impacts of shortages of truck drivers ' strike, once the problem intensified in early June. On the contrary, it reflects the rush to supermarkets on the part of many consumers worried about future food shortages.
Supermercado Moderno - 10/07/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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