quarta-feira, 21 de março, 2018

Shop turns to 12% of the preferred channel consumers intimate fashion

Between consumers of fashion, the e-commerce gained participation as main channel of sale. The consultancy study Iemi, held in February, shows that 12% of respondents to the online stores are the preferred means to buy items such as lingerie, panties and bras. In 2015, the slice was 7.6%. The trend for the next few years, in the view of the Director of the Iemi, Marcelo Prado, is that electronic commerce earn even more space within the sector, since the plot is still low and there is a general trend of virtual retail sales expansion. "In the clothing segment, the experience of seeing the product is still important for most consumers, but there is a growing trend of online purchase," adds the Director of expansion of Hope Lingerie, intimates fashion store, Sylvio Korytowski. The company, virtual sales respond today for 8% of revenues. The number, considered low, is growing significantly in the company in recent years, much due to the still small base of comparison. In 2015, for example, the slice does not exceeded the 4%. The Executive explained that the channel has become a complement to physical stores and not a competitor of channel offline. "E-commerce has aggregate a lot to the physical store. We see many consumers researching on virtual store and then go shopping in the physical. " Lifting the Iemi shows that the main factors cited by consumers who prefer e-commerce are the ease of purchase and the lowest prices. "What did she expect from online store is just the greatest practicality," says Korytowski. The growing importance of electronic commerce between consumers took place mainly on a reduction of the purchase with resellers/sacoleiras. While in 2015 the channel was the preferred 22% of interviews, this year the piece fell to 17%. Have physical stores followed in the lead, with a 72% share. Of consumers who opt for physical drives, the preference is for shopping malls (44%), followed by the street shops (38%) and galleries (19%). According to research, the key attributes for the choice of physical store where they will buy are the good service and the variety of products (both cited by 42% of respondents), followed by good discounts and promotions (29%). Already the most relevant reasons that lead to rejection is bad customer service and higher prices to competition. Frequency and the ticket change in consumer habit of intimate fashion was not restricted to the sales channel. According to the study the Iemi, there has been an increase in the frequency of purchase, quantity of items consumed and average ticket. In the range of 2015 until February this year, the average amount spent on each purchase rose from R to R $127, $106 a 20% advance. The frequency of purchase increased from 5.2 to 5.5 per year, and the number of articles procured from 3.5 to 3.9, on average. In relation to the frequency of purchase, the survey shows that 32% of consumers buy a piece of intimate fashion every couple of months, 29% every four months or more, 21% every three months and 18% a product per month. Of which consume one article every month, the vast majority are young people between 18 and 34 years old. For Prado, Iemi, the expansion of the average ticket and the frequency during the years of crisis took place by two factors, especially: the recession has made the more consumption of consumer-centered higher income – which impacted the average ticket – and there was a pa migration RA higher value-added items. "People began to reject most basic products and search for items with a higher appeal, more attractive and stylish." The change in the behavior of consumers was perceived by Hope. The Director of manufacturer and franchise network points out that the consumer is changing over the wardrobe for a shift in perception regarding the products. According to him, the articles has increasingly gained a bias. "This increase has occurred by the change in buying behavior of consumers. Intimate fashion gets more and more product features sets, and begins to turn almost an accessory, which increases the demand for our products, "explains.
DCI - 19/03/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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