segunda-feira, 05 de fevereiro, 2018

Spread of street blocks ensures best popular trade sales

The popularization of Carnival blocks across the country must take more than 72 million of Brazilians on the streets this year. According to a study from Brazil and SPC CNDL, average consumer spending on data will be R $847, value driven by consumption in bars and restaurants and for purchasing costumes for the revelers. Became commonplace to say that the Brazilian year begins just after the Carnival. With given date because of Easter (Ash Wednesday is always 46 days before Easter), the festive period this year will take place before the last, something that disturbs the projections of traders who specialize in fantasies. In Sao Paulo, who plans to celebrate the date takes advantage of the last days before the festive period to fill the shopping malls adjacent to the Street March 25, as the Hill Harbour and the Slope of the Constitution. According to retailers in the region Tuesday on February 13 Carnival hinders sales projections for the year, since in 2017 the date fell on February 28, but now is not the time to mourn. Underwhelming motion, the unit of the Radical Fantasies on the hillside of the Constitution made R $250,000 so far – in 2017, the store had already sold R $500,000 at this time of year. "Some people say that 2017 was bad, but not for us. Last year, we have grown sales by about 85%. But I think this year will be better than the other, because we have the World Cup and elections yet, "admits Radical Fantasies Manager, Monica Garcia. Inside the market according to the study conducted by the credit protection service (SPC Brazil) and by the National Confederation of Merchants Leaders (CNDL) released last Friday (2), the Carnival should mobilize more than 72 million consumers in all the capitals of the country. Among the products that will gain space in the party this year are the consumption of beverages, such as beer (57%), soft drinks (52%) and water (52%), snacks (51%) and sunscreen (43%). Another important lifted three in ten (31%) people interviewed in the survey must acquire some fantasy to celebrate the holiday. "The paulista felt that taste of Carnival in recent years. If in 2010, we had just over 10 blocks, today there are more than 400, and with the support of City Hall. That helped a lot the hotels, the restaurants and the Commerce of the town. Today, we sell to people from other countries and States who come to party here, "says the owner of Parties and costumes, Pierre Sfeir. There are 42 years working on the hillside General Port, the Executive of Lebanese origin witnessed several changes in the Carnival of São Paulo. "Before, we used to sell to the samba schools, but over time they came to buy directly from factories. Some came up to import the products from other countries. In addition, also had parties at town halls, and everything that was dying. Now, things are looking up again, "said Sfeir. With an average ticket of R $12, Parties and costumes sells items such as makeup, glitter, hat, wig, glasses, among others. But, the selling of this Carnival should be related to political shades. "We have Donald Trump masks, Dilma, Lula and politicians of the Mensalão. But it's all a joke, which makes the popular party could get a Carnival, "he says. Also located in Ladeira Porto Geral, Porto das Parties intend to achieve a 30% advance in sales this year. "We have this store six years ago. We realized that due to the blocks, the flow of customers is growing enough each year. As the Carnival is shorter in 2018, these first two weeks of February are very important to us, "says the Manager of Port parties, Luiz Gustavo. Renewing the offer newly arrival in Brazil, the startup Rappi decided to innovate to better serve consumers in the city of São Paulo. The company's mobile application that works like the iFood, but also various other types of delivery items – launched the ' Carnival ' to meet the people of the city who want items 25 March Street Carnival. "When the client enters the session Carnival, he sees such items as Sequin, skirt, glitter, woven with different colors, wigs, costumes and other horns. But, if it does not find there, you can request any of our personal assistants search and delivery in the House of the shopper ", explains managing partner Chairman of Rappi, Bruno Nardon. "We are with the button on the air for two weeks and have received hundreds of requests a day," he says. Since the founding in 2015, the contributions received by the startup are valued at $ $50 million.
DCi - 05/02/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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