quinta-feira, 01 de fevereiro, 2018

New vehicle market grew by 22.9% in January to day 29

The new vehicle sales in Brazil grew by 22.9 percent in the partial results of January until the day 29 compared with the same period in 2017, said on Wednesday, 31, Vice President of Ford South America and Vice President of the National Association of vehicle manufacturers Automotores (Anfavea), Rogelio Golfarb. The final numbers of the first month of 2018 will be announced this Thursday, 1, by the National Federation of distribution of motor vehicles (Fenabrave).
Second Golfarb, Ford's projection for 2018 is growth of 15% of the market, estimate a bit more optimistic than the Anfavea, 11.7%
DCI - 31/01/2018
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