segunda-feira, 05 de fevereiro, 2018

Campus Party is ' adult ' and more diverse

The fight by the presence of more women in the technology sector, one of the most important flags in the industry was not out of the 11th edition of the Campus Party Brazil, technology fair closed today in Sao Paulo. For the first time, according to the Organization, female participation exceeded 40% among the 12000 campuseiros-name given to attendees who camped during the week in the Anhembi Exhibition Centre. Many of them came to the fair for the first time. "It's wonderful, I want to come back next year," says Karoline student 17 years Bernardo. Porto Velho (RO), Karoline makes technical course in information technology and came up with your class to the fair. She was impressed with the female contingent – but not the only one. "The guys are impressed when I say study technology and I'm not following any boyfriend." The fair was also more "grown-up": the screaming and running from the startup behind gifts of sponsors stayed aside in 2018. Most of the time, the Anhembi was calm, with lectures filled and little confusion. There are even those who have brought the whole company, as the startup PRTE, with nine employees, to participate in the "party". "Here you have businessmen and investors and is a good way to oxygenate the ideas," says Pedro Santana, of 32 years. It is also the case of fluminense Manager Renata de Almeida, of 32 years, currently in your fifth Campus. In the first, came to accompany her boyfriend, programmer. In this, already married, returned to Exchange cards – owns a digital content producer. "We have fun, but works 24 hours a day here on Campus," he says. Breaking, brought the younger sister, Julia, for 11 years. Spirit. Main speaker of this year, the Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak canceled your presentation for health reasons. "I was really sad, I really wanted to see him talking after get an autograph in 2011 Campus", says the programmer Jonathan Delgado, 28 years old – and eight as campuseiro. To replace the partner of Steve Jobs, the fair hosted a show with the best ideas and projects. "Take the participants to the stage on the same day and time that he'd be here is a way to show how your legacy inspires us," says Tonic Novaes, General Director of the Campus Party. Even more mature, the Campus still preserves some anarchic aura: continued faithful gifts buckets of noodles, startup racing with chairs in the head, karaoke and video game competitions and, of course, the "Campus B" – "alternative programming" on Anhembi door, where participants eat pizza and drink beer and catuaba-banned at the fair. For the participants, the bonds formed at the fair, worth the trip to Sao Paulo. "At first, I was to learn," says Delgado. "Now, it's to see friends."
O Estado de S.Paulo - 03/02/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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