quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro, 2018

Total Corbion part plant of PLA

Biodegradable plastic more consumed, the polylactic acid (PLA) has your world production increased to 240,000 t/a with the departure, formalized in December 3, for the match in Thailand of 75,000 t/a factory controlled by Total Corbion, joint venture in parts same set up two years ago by the French Total petrochemical and the Dutch Corbion. The new unit, as disclosed to the international media, aimed at the production of PLA in standard series grills, high heat resistance and differentiated properties, polymers obtained from the sugar cane and starch markets in view include Since the 3D printing packaging, consumer products, and automotive components, artifacts resulting from extrusion, thermoforming, injection and spinning. In parallel, the Total Corbion announces expansion to 100,000 t/a of your ability to generate the same Thai PLA monomer complex, lactic acid.
Plásticos em Revista - 12/12/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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