quarta-feira, 03 de outubro, 2018

Discouragement takes care of most consumers to Black Friday

The economic situation and mistrust with the promotions are taking the consumer mood for Black Friday shopping. A survey of technology company in the Zebra Network (NZN), shows that almost 60% of people have low purchase intent for the settlement, despite the high expectations in online sales of the date. The number of people with high intention of purchase also fell from 34% to 32%, up from 2017. In addition to the 27% who claimed to have low expectations, the purchases will only happen if the opportunity is great. The main justification of the 2018 public not to participate in the occasion, according to the study, is the lack of really attractive prices (47%), followed by the lack of money in the event period (39%) and lack of interest on purchases during promotions (12%). Yet the issue of truthfulness, offerings always discussed the date, has influenced the decisions of consumers. Although the fraud committed by some companies have negative impact on sales, a survey of Ebit pointed out that the number of people who are leery of 38% in 2017 fell to 35% in 2018. The Chief of intelligence and operations from Nielsen, Keine Monteiro, the number of skeptics about the credibility of the data has been dropping year by year, as well as the number of consumers who want to buy comes rising. "This shows that Black Friday has become in Brazil and is the most important date for e-commerce", points out the Executive. So, the majority of consumers use search engines to find the best buying opportunities. Platforms such as Rocket and Zoom are the choices of 58% of the respondents when questioned about the feature more use to search for product prices during the date. 49% of respondents already carry out searches on Google (49%); then appear indications of content sites (38%) and, finally, social networks (16%) and friends (15%). For the expert in digital marketing and consulting team leader of the advertising agency Web, Performa Denis Casita, a transparent communication is the best way of reestabelecerem companies consumer confidence. "Companies have made each year a better communication and the reflection of this is the growth of the billing event year after year," points out in an interview with DCI. According to the study of the Ebit e-commerce must earn R$2,43 billion during the Black Friday this year, up 15 percent compared with last year. The number of applications can register an expansion of 6.4%, going from 3,760,000 for 4 million, and the average ticket will arrive at R$607,5, up 8%. Pay grade In survey conducted by NZN shows that consumers with the greatest interest in purchasing date must the 34 18 years and income up 4 minimum wages. Second Casita, when the main attraction is the price, it is natural that people with lower incomes have increased predisposition to purchase. "It's often a chance waiting to perform a purchase", explains the Executive. According to the survey, for those who have already performed in previous years, the main factor to make a new purchase during the promotion, as well as in 2017, is the price, with 72% of the responses, followed by confidence in the store (11%), product (6%), condition of payment (6%), freight (4%) and delivery time (1%). The proximity of Christmas with Christmas, second Casita, may lead to a inevitable anticipation of purchases, however, the study of Ebit pointed out that Black Friday purchases continue to be, mostly, used for his own use (69%). "Whereas in the prenatal care there is a greater availability of money, this injected by the payment of the 13th, the two periods continue to be extremely relevant for retail," says Casita. The most anticipated Yet according to the survey of Ebit, the Smartphones run the top of purchase intent from the public, as well as last year, with 58% of the responses. Shortly thereafter, the computer accessories (46%) and hardware (43%). Completing the ranking just below are the consoles and video games, with 40% of the entries, followed by mobile devices.
DCI - 03/10/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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