segunda-feira, 29 de janeiro, 2018

Valecard, fleets, provides for accelerating expansion in 2018 and overtake R bi $3

Despite competitors as Allele, Bradesco, Brazil's Bank and the French Ticket, ValeCard, means of payment and fleet management, expected to grow 22 percent this year compared to 2017, surpassing the R $3 billion. The volume, if confirmed, will be higher than last year, when the company moved R $2.5 billion with their products, a growth of 14% in comparison to 2016. Potential fleet management services were the main responsible and accounted for 60% of the result achieved, some R $1.5 billion. The other match the benefits sector, in which the ValeCard 25% in 2018 is expected to grow, anchored in the resumption of employment. For 2019, your goal is 30% advance in this segment.
O Estado de S. Paulo - 28/01/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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