terça-feira, 01 de agosto, 2017

"Off-season" of corn in the Center-South must achieve record of 63.3 mi t says AgRural

SAO PAULO-the second crop corn production 2016/17, currently being harvested, is expected to total 63,340,000 tons in the Center-South of Brazil, high of 60000 tons compared to the designed at the beginning of July, according to estimates released on Friday by the AgRural.
The area occupied by the culture was provided for in 10,230,000 hectares, with productivity of 103.1 bags per hectare.
"All numbers are records", highlighted in a report with final estimates AgRural to call "off-season".
As the consulting, despite positive adjustments in predicting productivity of Mato Grosso (104.6 to 106.1 bags per hectare) and Goiás (102.8 to 105.3 sacks), there was an increase of only 0.1 check in Center-South productivity "due to reductions in Paraná and Minas Gerais.
In Paraná, the cut was of 2.6 sacks for 102 bags per hectare, while in Minas Gerais the reduction was of 5 sacks, to 69.4 bags per hectare, on account of the drought in the Northwest of the State and the cicada in the Triângulo Mineiro.
Citing figures by the national supply company (Conab) to the north-northeast, AgRural says the "off-season" of this year''s corn in the country is expected to total 67,170,000 tons, compared with 40,700,000 tons last year.
The area was estimated at 11,360,000 hectares, with 98.5 yield bags per hectare.
According to second harvest, AgRural crop of corn in the Center-South reached 63% the area until Thursday, 13 percentage points in a week.
The percentage is lower than that of 69% a year ago, but overcomes the four-year average of 59%.
The biggest weekly advance was in Paraná, of 36% to 57% the area. Already in São Paulo, reaching 22%.
Mato Grosso follows the lead of the harvest, with 89%. In Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul, the harvest came to 54% and 34%, respectively. In Minas Gerais, 50% was collected.
DCI - 28/07/2017
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