quinta-feira, 24 de agosto, 2017

Brastemp Opens second franchise in São Paulo

The franchise network of Water Purifier Brastemp announces the opening of the second franchise in São Paulo, this time on the South side. The new unit will serve consumers of neighborhoods like Moema, Campo Belo, Vila Nova Conceição, Vila Mariana, Vila Olímpia, Jabaquara, Interlagos, among others. According to Carlos Eduardo Sousa, Director of Whirlpool's Water Business, "the Brastemp franchise model has great potential, even with expectations to triple the current subscriber base of the Water Purifier in up to three years". To open a franchise of Brastemp, you have to invest from R $250,000 with return on investment estimated from 30 months. The value includes franchise fee, buy the right to operate a portion of the consumer base, advertising rate, in addition to the cost of infrastructure, vehicles, among others. Source: Portal Your Franchise.
Giro News - 23/08/2017
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