quarta-feira, 24 de maio, 2017

White line products sales fall 3% in first quarter

The sale of white line products fell 3 percent in the first quarter of this year, compared with the same period in 2016, points out the power lines, which brings together manufacturers. The industry downturn has lost pace in 2017: sales had fallen 17% in 2015, and 11% last year.
"Some items already up high, as the refrigerators, which sold 8 percent more," says the President of the Association, Ajit Kiçula. The segments of stoves and washing machines pulled the retraction, with falls of 13% and 6%, respectively.
In the case of the washerwomen, there is a prospect of recovery from June, with the winter, says Fabiano Doors, responsible for white line of LG.
The resumption of domestic appliances proved to be slower than other electronics for having a cycle of increased duration, according to the Executive.
The sale of television sets, for example, was discharged from 38% in the first quarter, and mobile phones, an increase of 19%.
Supermercado Moderno - 23/05/2017
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