quarta-feira, 31 de maio, 2017

Livraria Cultura to double share of e-commerce at network billing

São Paulo-With a 6.51% increase in sales in the first quarter of 2017, bookseller rehearses a recovery for this year. Betting on improvement of the scenario, the Livraria Cultura want to double the percentage of its sales and achieve a virtual online billing with the registered in the last year: R $380,000,000.
"We believe that the recent signs of economic recovery, as the decline in inflation, there is a gradual improvement that can come true in 2018. We want to double the contribution of e-commerce in our sales, 30% to 60%, "admits the CEO of Livraria Cultura, Sergio Herz.
After denying rumors of a possible merger with hail, in mid-February, the Executive seeks means to elevate the company''s gains through e-commerce. For this year, the Livraria Cultura intends to reach R billing $380,000,000, tying with values obtained in 2016-numbers, however, fall short of recorded in 2014, when the network still kept the pace year after year.
"The year began well with the back-to-school, but sales retreated after the Carnival. These results stem from the impact of the economic crisis that punishes retail as a whole. We''re working on we with 2016. We believe that the improvement in sales is directly related to the reheating of the economy, unemployment and back investment and consumer confidence. But it is clear that the turmoil in the political landscape can make it more difficult this journey. "
With 70 years of existence, the Livraria Cultura gets 17 locations in ten large cities in Brazil, in addition to a physical store of Geek.Etc.Br, located in São Paulo. In spite of the crisis in the sector, Herz is proud of the experience that the stores provide to customers. "Our strategy is to offer advantages that the competition does not have, both in terms of catalog, as in services, service, price and multicanalidade. In addition, we are always investing in our stores, which are centers of culture and entertainment. We have theaters, art galleries, gourmet kitchens, meeting rooms and auditoriums. We make on average 4000 events a year, attracting the audience to a different interaction with retail, "says Herz to DCI.
Online strategy
To increase the percentage of e-commerce revenue from the network, the Livraria Cultura is making available more than 50000 products in the marketplace Via retail, which administers the sites of Casas Bahia, cold and Extra point since the last week. With this, it is expected to increase by at least 20% the volume of orders by internet.
Another novelty for 2017 is the launch of the second Stripe books platform. With a view to adding value to the product and the experience of the '' greasy pole '', the Livraria Cultura aims to foster this space with offers of up to 80% discounts on average price table.
With a catalog updated daily, through the used book buyback program called '' + '' Readers, the Executive believes that the Stripe is one way to encourage consumption, "we launched the Stripe to innovate. We introduced the concept of a marketplace that brings together the best of all for our customers. They will find great shopping opportunities, both for new books as for car sales. The offers of the Stripe are renewed daily and discounts range from 30% to 80%. "
Asked how the admission of the Amazon bookstores market impacts in Brazil, Sergio Herz explains that there''s no way to size the advances of competitor without knowing your numbers: "what I can say is that the bookstore Culture increased the market share in 2016 to 17%. As for prices, the market is competitive, there are several tools that ship with the prices at any moment; I don''t think there''s a player more aggressive ", says the CEO of Livraria Cultura.
DCI - 30/05/2017
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