quarta-feira, 12 de abril, 2017

New estimate predicts 25% increase in harvest

RIO-favorable weather conditions in major producer centers of the country boosted again the estimate for the agricultural harvest of 2017. The grain production will be even more fleshy than previously estimated, according to the survey of agricultural production in March, released by the Brazilian Institute of geography and statistics (IBGE).
The Country should reap a record 230,300,000 tons this year, jumping 25.1% compared to the result of 2016, or 46,300,000 tons. The performance is still 2.7% higher than predicted in February, equivalent to more than 6,100,000 tons.
The most optimistic estimates for soybean and corn yields boosted the new forecasts. "The weather is still great, so the income has increased. Crops are developing very well in the Midwest, especially in Mato Grosso, but also in Paraná ", pointed out Charles Barradas, a researcher at the Agricultural coordination of IBGE.
Compared to February, forecast the corn crop won over 3,900,000 tonnes, while the soybean harvest will be 2,500,000 tons higher than the previously estimated. "It rained at the right time, had rain every three days, with intense heat," said Barradas.
There was also an increase in estimates of production compared to February for barley, corn, coffee, rice, onions, soybeans and sorghum. In comparison with the 2016 crop, soybeans have 15.9% growth in production, whereas for the corn is expected a jump of 45.8%. Rice already have growth of 13.9%.
"This sharp increase compared to last year also has relationship with the basis for comparison, because agricultural production was very low. The weather was not helping, it didn''t rain, "he recalled Barradas.
The other products with growth forecast are herbaceous cotton seed, peanut, English potatoes, cocoa, coffee, onions, beans and sorghum.
Price. The positive effect of the supersafra in the gross domestic product (GDP) of 2017, however, should be overshadowed by the recent drop in prices of soya and maize, the main commodities that make up the brazilian production, according to the consultancy review indestructible generator.
"The performance of agricultural production was good until some time ago, because we had a good volume of agricultural production growth with prices still sustained. But in recent weeks, there has been considerable agricultural prices in North several, including corn and soybeans, "said Fabio Silveira, an economist and partner of indestructible generator.
Even with the good news from the field, kept consulting the projection of a 0.3% only in the Brazilian GDP for this year.
O Estado de S. Paulo - 11/04/2017
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