sexta-feira, 24 de março, 2017

Samsung gives up separate activities of the Group

Seoul-the leading world manufacturer of smartphones, Samsung Electronics, which runs through one of the biggest crises of your story, announced on Friday that it will not separate the activities of the group, as was disclosed amid the scandal that resulted in the impeachment of South Korean President Park Geun-Hye, in early March.
The worldwide disaster that forced Samsung to withdraw from the market the latest generation of their phones, the Galaxy Note 7, whose batteries had risks of explosion, added the involvement of senior executives in the scandal of corruption that shakes the Asian country.
The Vice Chairman of Samsung, Lee Jae-Yong, the heir to the group, was convicted of corruption and is behind bars.
After the fiasco of the Galaxy Note 7, Samsung has been pressed by shareholders to improve the management of the company, which was studying a separation into two parts.
But the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Kwon Oh-Hyun, today announced, in a general meeting of the company, that the evaluation of the legal and fiscal aspects of this operation were allowed to isolate "some negative effects".
"At the moment, it seems difficult to implement," he said, without giving further explanations.
Samsung Electronics is the jewel in the Crown of the Samsung Group. The political scandal in which are involved the heir to the Group revolves around Choi Soon-Sil, close friend of former President Park, accused of having used your influence to get almost $70 million of several conglomerates.
Choi, of 60 years, is accused of interfering in Affairs of State, despite not taking up public office, and of extorting large companies to obtain money.
Samsung is the main group in the country, with one-fifth of South Korean GDP and was the most generous with the foundations of Choi.
The Corporation is accused of having donated approximately $40 million in bribes to the confidant of former President in Exchange for political favors.
Exame - 24/03/2017
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