sexta-feira, 24 de março, 2017

Sami creates platform to help students

Sao Paulo-the high number of people Flunking the bar exam the Brazil took the editora Saraiva find a new niche market. Now, the company will offer a platform that assists students in a manner customized to the proof.
According to the FGV, the 20TH Edition of the race the disapproval index stood at 78%, and forecasts for the 21ST results are not encouraging. It is in this niche market that hail, which has over 100 years of content back to this thread, to go with the Sami Approves.
"There are four options, up to 210 hours of video lessons, simulated, study material in schemas, OAB book Outlined Sami 2017, coaching module to help in organizing and emotional advice and stock issues," says the marketing manager of Publisher, Thiago Pinto dos Reis.
According to the Executive, the solution combines the contents of law with personalized learning technology. "By means of algorithms, the platform identifies the needs of each applicant and directs a more assertive studies, optimizing the time of preparation for the test."
Kings says that the editorial hail knowledge allows the contents are always updated. "In addition, the statistical intelligence platform prioritizes the most relevant and recurrent themes in the exam," he says, noting that teachers were also chosen as Peter Lenza (constitutional law) and Alexandre Salim (criminal law) were scheduled. "It''s an extraordinary solution with highly qualified teachers and with a lot of experience," says Lenza.
DCI - 24/03/2017
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