terça-feira, 07 de novembro, 2017

Sterna Coffee Opens first store in the format Bistro

The network of cafes Sterna Coffee announces investment in a new segment: the bistro. On Wednesday (08), the network of franchises inaugurates the Sterna Coffee Bistro, with a focus on complete and balanced meals. Installed on the third floor of the Hospital and maternity Are Luiz of Sao Caetano, the restaurant will serve breakfast options at dinner, including à la carte and buffet services. In all, the site has a capacity to accommodate up to 50 people and will make available more than 40 options. The menu will feature with pizza options, kids menu and quick dishes, like the gourmet line snacks that include light and vegetarian versions. Today, the Sterna coffee's 13 operating units, sum 5:00 pm and 5 works with signed contracts.
Giro News – 06/11/2017 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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