sexta-feira, 10 de novembro, 2017

Research indicates trends in Christmas

With the arrival of Christmas, retailers already moving with good expectations before a scenario still cautious, but promising. This week, some entities brought research data that show the most awaited date-related expectations of the year. According to the National Commerce Confederation for goods, services and tourism (CNC), retail prices for Christmas should fall 1.1% on average compared to last year. This is the first time the entity predicts deflation to the period since the beginning of the survey made by the entity in 2009. Last year, the prices for the commemorative date have risen, on average, 9.8%, and in 2015, the average variation was of 10.9%.
Christmas Will Move $51.2 Billion, Estimates Already according to CNDL credit protection service (SPC Brazil) and by the National Confederation of Merchants Leaders (CNDL), Christmas this year should move R $51.2 billion. If confirmed the projection, the value will be slightly higher than last year's survey, when the amount spun around £ $50 billion. According to the study, 110.8 million consumers should go shopping for Christmas this year, against 107.6 in the commemorative date of 2016. Popular products are clothes, cited by 56% of respondents, followed by toys (43%), perfumes and cosmetics (32%) and footwear (31%).
Malls Design 7% high in Christmas sales retailers of shopping centers of Brazil project an increase of approximately 7% in the Christmas sales, said on Wednesday (08), the association representing the industry, Abrasce. With that, retailers must raise in 5% temporary hiring this year. In 2016, the Christmas sales had marginal advance of 0.3%. The expected growth for this Christmas should be pulled by the segments of clothing, electronics and footwear, according to the Association. According to Adriana Colloca, Director of operations at Abrasce, a stronger performance this year should enable the sector achieve the expectation outlined for 2017, from a high of 5 to 7% in total sales.
E-commerce Advances on Christmas shopping for the first time, the Brazilians who live in large urban centers prefer to shop on the internet and not in the Mall for Christmas. According to data from a survey conducted in all capitals for credit protection service (SPC) and the National Confederation of Brazil Dirigentes Lojistas (CNDL), 40% plan to buy over the internet, compared with 32% in 2016. Shopping malls are an option for 37%, and last year were 41%. Only 8% of respondents stated that they won't present anyone this Christmas. Within the virtual trade, the pages of major companies are the option of 68% of buyers, followed by classifieds sites of purchase and sale (42%) and specialized in clothing, shoes and accessories (34%).
Giro News – 09/11/2017 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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