sexta-feira, 10 de novembro, 2017

Industry awards mark the year of the Congraf

Last week, the Congraf Packaging was awarded with important industry awards. The packaging manufacturer received trophies that spend the year as outstanding and of great importance.
On the night of last Tuesday, October 17, the company received the Award trophy Large Packing Cases 2017, which recognized the quality of the project developed for the Extra Premium of 51 Reserve Cachaças, Cia. Müller. The award brought together some 500 professionals of the packaging value chain at Senac University Center-Campus Santo Amaro in São Paulo, where were presented the 30 cases winners.
Already on Thursday, 19 October, the Congraf Graphprint award in the category packaging Graphics. On your 16th edition, the event was held at the Infinitto Space in São Paulo, and was attended by important graphic market professionals.
"These awards affirm Congraf's commitment to excellence in its solutions for packaging and shows us that we are treading the right path," celebrates Sydney Anversa Victor, President of Congraf.
Congraf – 09/11/2017 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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