terça-feira, 07 de novembro, 2017

Buy Well want more 50 shops

São Paulo-With the goal of winning sales force, improving the negotiation with industry and divide management expenses, entrepreneurs miners Rosangela Borges Castejon and Reginaldo Teixeira Birth decided to unite their pharmacies. Under the name Buy Well, the template already sum 150 units in operation, and the goal is to open 50 more over 2018.
"We saw the opportunity to unite all these independent ventures into a single network. They would win more sales force, negotiating power with the pharmaceutical industry, standardization, and management support. That's where he was born to Buy ", explains Nascimento. The business model-turned-franchise in 2012, was so successful in the mining market that, in seven years, already has stores in São Paulo, Alagoas, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Pernambuco, and of course, Minas Gerais.
According to birth, increasing competition with the big networks came cannibalizing the margins of the two companies, and the solution has been found to keep strong the competition without strangling no operation. "In 2016, for example, the average billing was R $140 million mark. The business model ", celebrates.
To ensure the preference of the public he tells that the company invests in the relationship with the client. "There are projects that aim to give greater comfort and well-being to the public, such as the Blitz of health, which offers customers free of charge, measurement of blood pressure, BMI and blood glucose; and the Right Office Health pharmacist, who has 25 health services at affordable prices, "concludes the Executive.
DCI – 06/11/2017 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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