terça-feira, 14 de novembro, 2017

87% of consumers plan to shop on Black Friday

SÃO PAULO-Buy products during the Black Friday is an intention to 87 percent of Brazilian consumers in 2017, according to Ibope survey Intelligence in conjunction with Google. The intent of purchase is less than last year, when 89 percent of the respondents said you want to buy something at the time.
Average spending on the event is estimated at R $1,071, 2% less than the value R $1,095 last year.
Electronics and appliances still lead the ranking of favorite products: 65% of people plan to buy some kind of product of these categories in the next edition of Black Friday, which happens on the day 24 November. Clothes and shoes appear in second place, mentioned by 47% of respondents.
In the category of electronics, cell phones are still the most coveted. Appear in the intentions of 37% of consumers, landing close to 38% from last year. Grew, however, the intention of buying televisions. Second largest product purchase plans in the electronic category, the thin-screen TVs were desired by 22% of people last year and today appear between the interests of 25% of consumers.
Physical stores
The study identified that the intent of consumers is to buy online and also in physical stores. E-commerce is the target of buying to 92% of queried, but many of them also should go to physical stores. The intention to buy out of the virtual world is 34%.
DCI – 13/11/2017 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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