sexta-feira, 06 de outubro, 2017

SNEL: book sales rose 14.8% in September

São Paulo-sales of books between August 14 and September 10 advanced 14.8% in comparison with the same period last year, according to a survey of the National Syndicate of Book Publishers (SNEL) along with Nielsen.
In the same period, revenues rose 10.73%, depending on the increase in the average discount of 6 percentage points. The interval analyzed by the study also had better performance in comparison to the previous period, mainly in volume, with an increase of 12.9%.
Promotions force
"The analysis of the numbers suggests that the market is still acting with aggressive promotions strategies. We realize clearly that sales in volume took off from billing, which is confirmed by the lower average price of sales in the period, and the increase of the discount, "says sonal Bansal, Manager of Nielsen Bookscan Brazil.
In 2017, the cumulative recovery scenario remains with 6.65% growth in volume and 6.25% in value. "Certainly the major releases have gained visibility during the biennial's Book influenced the good performance of this period. With this result we can design the numbers will remain positive until the end of the year, "says Marcos da Veiga Pereira, Chairman of SNEL, by way of note.
DCI – 05/10/2017
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