terça-feira, 31 de outubro, 2017

Rainy summer causes decrease in consumption of beer in Germany

A quiet and rainy summer, with no major sporting events, has diminished the desire to consume beer among the Germans, according to data published on Monday.
Beer producers indicated that sales fell 3.1% between January and September, to 72 million hectoliters (1 hectolitre equals 100 liters), according to the National Statistics Office Destatis.
These data correspond to barrels, bottles and cans for export, but domestic consumption also fell 2.7 percent to 58.9 million hectolitres.
Beer consumption has declined in Germany in recent years, but this time "the time affected the income of the Brewers above all", told the news agency DPA Holger Eichele, the German Brewers Federation.
The country in which almost all the settlements and cities seem to have your own local beer lived a quiet and rainy summer, which seems to have encouraged the people to slow down your thirst for the drink.
But the Brewers are optimistic to the last three months of the year, betting on a "summer autumn and solid sales for the Christmas and new year," added Eichele.
However, the bad weather didn't discourage the participants from the beer festival Oktoberfest in Munich, where about 6.2 million people consumed about 7.5 million of one-liter glass of beer, 13% more than in 2016.
AFP – 30/10/2017 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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