segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro, 2017

Meds without prescription-MIPs Should Grow 40% with the new rules

The market for non-prescription drugs registers, year after year, growth in sales. Now, the new rules of the ANVISA – national health surveillance Agency create a better scenario for the marketing of these drugs. The Abimip-Brazilian Association of non-prescription drugs industry, is optimistic, believes that will change the current scenario in the industry. "In terms of units, for example, the MIPs occupy about 31% of the total pharmaceutical market. With the new rule, the market would have a shot of almost 40% of the total market front representation. "reveals Marli m. Sileci, Executive Vice President of the entity, in an exclusive interview to Cute News Portal.
Market performance
Despite achieving a lower growth last year compared to previous years, the projections for the market for non-prescription drugs are positive. In terms of values, the MIPs segment still retained, in 2016, a two-digit growth. "We had to 2014 to 2015 1 growth of 13.6%. From 2015 to 2016, an increase of 12.1 percent, according to preliminary data from IMS Health, global information and technology services. "says Retha. According to data from IMS Health, the MIPs moved about $18 billion, within the total turnover of the pharmaceutical sector of R$ 78 billion. "Due to the crisis, there was a change in consumer behaviour, with high rates of unemployment, therefore many families lost their health plans, making the consumer at first, fetch a medicine free, do you have a doctor to look.", analyzes the Vice President. For 2017, the projection is of caution, however, with optimism.
Best Selling Categories
According to data from IMS Health, the highlight of 2016 was with the gastrointestinal category, with an increase of 11%. "However, we have those medicines which always sell a lot, as the categories of pain and fever, vitamins and the so-called" care of eyes and mouths "." says Retha m. Sileci.
Consumer focus
The Abimip''s not worried about the sale of non-prescription remedies in the supermarket. The Vice President says that the entity is not against, but it is recommended that the marketing by a pharmacist. Says: "If there are municipalities that do not have a pharmacy and have a warehouse with an aspirin or a product for a headache, she''s providing access, but we trust too that the outlets today are ready to sell, especially those who have the pharmacist." In 2017, the Abimip will invest in consumer awareness. "We want to emphasize the importance of health care. That is, show the consumer that he needs to pay attention to prevention and practice self care, "concludes the Vice-President of Abimip.
Giro News - 30/01/2017
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