terça-feira, 10 de janeiro, 2017

Gillette launches first subscription Club for shaving

The P&G brand of razors has just released the Gillette Refill Club, a new model in the form of repurchase for consumers who prioritize convenience. The platform, which is the first Club of Gillette blades signatures in Latin America, is starting its activities in partnership with the Home, Refill in São Paulo.
"The platform enough to meet the demand of signature clubs in the category of razor blades and represents a new business model for Gillette and offer practicality," says Juliana Mccarthy, Director of the brand in Brazil. "The digital channel is the model where are the young, a public interest to the P&G, and we believe that this system will attract them to our products", strengthen the Executive.
With the Gillette Club, the consumer can choose from packages of Gillette, Gillette Mach3 3 Prestobarba or Gillette Fusion ProShield – without the need for payment of freight. When making the first request, the platform gives the user the chance to plan your buyback for as long as it''s convenient, being remembered by the system in advance to evaluate whether or not to go through with the purchase.
Besides the attractive prices for the three product lines, with every shave and can cost from 39 cents, the brand plans to offer unique experiences to strengthen the relationship with the users of the platform, whether through sales in other categories, raffle giveaways or special experiences.
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