sexta-feira, 23 de setembro, 2016

Mobile Sales Grow 70% in Brazil

According to the study H1 2016 State of Mobile Commerce Report, Criteo, to understand the evolution of the mobile retail in the first six months of 2016 in 12 countries, transactions made via mobile grew by 70% in Brazil in the first half of this year compared to the same period in 2015. According to the survey, which shows consumption habits and get predictions for the mobile commerce in the world, sales for mobile devices come in overcoming the desktop. The report shows which applications are the most effective channels for generating sales in this environment. In addition, it has also identified applications dominate at every stage of the purchase funnel and convert three times more than navigation on mobile browsers.
Health and beauty is the category Most sold in Brazil, most of the operations (83%) is performed by smartphone, which registered a growth of 14% in the first half versus the same period last year. Only 17% of purchases are made via tablet. The most widely used operating system is Android, which doubled its share of 7.2% in the first half of 2015, to 14.4% in 2016. Transactions via iOS represent 4.7%. In relation to the best-selling categories, "health and beauty" leads the ranking with 25% stake. Secondly, there are the items for "Home", followed by "fashion", which has been showing rapid growth and must occupy higher positions soon. Comparing the second quarter of 2015 with the same quarter of 2016,? Sets? registered 39% growth, while "health and beauty" and "Home" reached 32% and 18%, respectively.
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