segunda-feira, 26 de setembro, 2016

Company creates platform to sell online industry

São Paulo-to stimulate the industrial approach to the final consumer and boost sales for other companies, the Junior management systems released a platform that promises to meet the demands of companies in the business.
According to the commercial Director of Junior, Evandro Ballico, take advantage of the online market is not a desire only the retailers. "The industries facing historical difficulties with tax, infrastructure bottlenecks and labour, are also keeping an eye on this potential that goes far beyond its industrial parks," he said.
For him, the strategy comes at a time when companies are searching for new forms of revenue. "In a year that features a picture of political instability, high inflation and high interest rates, credit shortages and unemployment, what more we hear from our customers is that they would like to solutions to assist in your sales," he explains.
The e-commerce solution, Junior''s was created to provide all resources for industry meet their clients, both as B2C, B2B since the capture of the order until the delivery. In addition to being integrated with ERP, junior, also has the possibility to operate in conjunction with other management systems.
Junior commercial platform will be offered in the range of products of the company and will be primarily marketed to the customer base. "In a second phase, we plan to explore the market as a whole, since our e-commerce is fully compatible with other management systems", explains Evandro.
Junior Sales solution has responsive design, i.e. 100% mobile.
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