quinta-feira, 18 de agosto, 2016

Finishing material leads purchase intent

According to the study "strategic opportunities for development of new markets in the consumer Perspective they remodeled or Built", carried out by Market Intelligence platform-Resale Group, which held 900 interviews in major States of Brazil (consumers had to have started a renovation or construction), 15.7% were with the work in progress and 84.3% had stopped. The sample that interrupted the work, the main reason was "lack of money", with 61.8%. The study also deepened what they would do and where to buy, at a possible resumption of the work, this base, 77.8% would do finishing works; 50.1%, residential painting; 41.6%, basic structural works; 32%, electrical works; 28.7%, 4.4% and hydraulic works, other types of works.
Most consumers Prefer to buy in Neighborhood stores In relation to the five main channels, 58% would shopping in Neighborhood shops (small, medium and multicategorias); 51.4%, in Home Centers/big stores; 39 percent, at stores that specialize in paints; 36.4%, in Shops specialized in ceramic tiles; 21.7%, basic materials deposits (which sells only sand, cement, rocks, bricks, screens, wires etc.).
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