segunda-feira, 11 de julho, 2016

Sadia invests 50 mi R$ in products with natural ingredients

São Paulo-With the strong tendency of healthy eating habits, companies selling prepared foods have been deployed to keep the clientele – and profits.
Sadia, BRF, has just announced an investment of us $ 50,000,000 dollars to launch a line of chicken-based products created in a special way and that promises to "encourage Brazilians to eat better."
The pré-prontos dishes will need to be finalized by consumers. You will need to heat the sauce, roast or seal meat, for example, which, according to the brand, will "inspire people to cook".
The products will reach the shelves in September. They are made with natural ingredients, ensures the company.
Developed for about a year, the project counts on the partnership of the British chef Jamie Oliver, who created the recipes, have chosen the food and came to Brazil to check the creation of birds.
The BRF needed, for example, adapt their farms to provide more welfare for animals. One of the modifications was the installation of bales of wood shavings in ponds, which will provide greater thermal comfort to the chickens.
With the changes, the company will receive a certificate of the NGO Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC).
"We''re aligned with market trends and, in particular, to the needs and desires of consumers. For this reason, we invest in the project, which includes nutrition, fitness review and certification of industrial plants and farms, in addition to the investment in marketing, "says in a statement Cecilia Mondino, Director of marketing of Sadia.
Other initiatives
Sadia reinforces that already had initiatives to make their products healthier. She removed the preservatives of ready meals and relaunched traditional products such as ham and lasagna, with 30% less sodium.
It also says that already adopt European standards that establish a maximum density for the creation of chicken.
The brand is developing a food education program for schools in partnership with Jamie Oliver. The pilot will be tested by the end of this year and the expectation is to reach 100,000 children over the next three.
Growing movement
Also with the goal of becoming healthier, Danone announced on Thursday (7) who bought u.s.-based WhiteWave, producer of organic milk and vegetable-based alternative food to milk and yogurt.
At the end of last year, the harvest, the JBS, direct competitor of the BRF, launched the line of chickens without antibiotics DaGranja, which costs the client approximately 40% more than the traditional.
Even McDonald''s, ultimate symbol of fast food, tried to get rid of the stigma and included on the menu salads, wraps and fruit. It didn''t work out. In the end, the network found that, there, what was done was the traditional Burger.
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