quinta-feira, 14 de julho, 2016

53% of consumers enjoy more of care in physical store

Despite the ease of use and lower prices for online shopping, consumers prefer to buy in physical stores, mainly because of the service. The data are from the Report of goods Connected to 2016, which was released by Salesforce, specializing in customer relationship management.
The majority of buyers of consumer goods (55%) say that they find the best prices when they buy a product in a store online only. But, when it comes to customer service, 53% claim to have the best experience in a physical store, compared with only 22 percent who say they have the best experience at an online store.
The survey shows that there is a generation gap, because 63 percent of Baby Boomers (55 + years) prefer to buy in physical stores if the prices are the same, compared with 40% of generation Y, also known as Millenials (18 to 34 years).

Confidence in social media young people, 18 to 34 years old, are five times (25%) more likely than Baby Boomers (5%) to trust social media interactions when search about a product or before buying. About of 69% of adults who have purchased a commodity in the last 12 months worth of online reviews of products to research a product before you buy.
It is important to know that 45% of buyers react negatively to online ads or promotions in their social networks of a brand linked to something that just search online, for they think is invasive (61%), boring or stops that are trying to do (57%), or do not want your feeds full of ads (56%).
Having said that, according to analysts, the brands and retailers who place ads on Web sites and social networks would have better results if you focus on Generation Y, as only 38% of younger buyers have a negative reaction to such ads online.
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