quarta-feira, 08 de junho, 2016

BRF stops slaughter of birds and decreases production of margarine

Sao Paulo-the BRF reported that will temporarily paralyze activities in units of Jataí (Goiás) and Lajeado (RS). The company will also reduce the production of margarine in one of its units in Uberlândia (MG).
In a statement, the company informs that the decision is part of an overhaul of its manufacturing plant, in progress since 2015, and was also influenced by the "challenging economic environment by which crosses the Country and our market".
In goiana unit, the slaughter of birds will be paralyzed temporarily and unit will not be sold, emphasized the BRF. However, there is no weather forecast resumption of activities. As of June 30, the volume produced in the unit will be reduced gradually.
The other units in Jataí, which include feed plant, hatchery and aviaries, will operate normally. Also there will be no change in the integrated activities, according to the company.
The unit will have their activities paralyzed has about 550 employees, which can be integrated into other productive units, depending on the availability of vacancies and equivalent positions ".
In Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, poultry production line idles between 18 and 31 July. According to the company, it is a "strategic pause of 15 days in the poultry culling operations.
Employees who make up the industry framework will have layoffs in the period, and must return to the activities in the first week of August. The slaughter of pigs in the municipality and administrative activities are not paralyzed.
Already in Uberlândia (State of Minas Gerais) there will be temporary shutdown of part of the production line of margarine. The unit will remain active, but with reduced range.
"Approximately 220 employees working in the unit currently, approximately 80% will be absorbed in other operations of the company, also located in Uberlândia," BRF, in a note. In the County, the company has about 6 1000 employees.
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