segunda-feira, 02 de maio, 2016

Hypermarcas may sell diaper thing in a year

The sale of diapers can achieve Hypermarcas within one year, indicated yesterday (28/04) Claudio Bergamo, President of the company. The company is studying to dispose of the business since May last year. At the time, she was valued at 1.5 billion R$. "We are in a better position today than a year ago, when there was uncertainty," said Bergamo. According to the Executive, potential buyers are back looking at the asset, which is already recognised in the balance sheet as discontinued operation mainly because of improved margins in this activity. Bergamo explains that, during the first quarter of this year, Hypermarcas continued the implementation of the price increase of the line of diapers, which began in July 2015. The objective was to compensate for the effect of the devaluation of the Brazilian real on line. The readjustment was applied without loss of market share. The President of the company says that, after implementation, an increase of 36% on weighted average, allowing it to recover margins. According to Bergamo, Ebitda continuing operations was of R$ 310.3 million in the first quarter, a high of 11.2% in the annual comparison. The result put the company on course to meet the target of R$ 1.1 billion in 2016. "Our results came in line with the goal and the budget, despite the deterioration of the macroeconomic and political scenario," he said. According to him, the first quarter was decisive for the new capital structure Hypermarcas. The proximity of the completion of the sale of the unit to the multinational cosmetics Coty and the announcement of sale of the business of condoms by R$ 675 million and the segregation of the diaper thing descaráveis cooperated to the movement. Thus, the company ended the quarter with net cash of R$ 271 million, which does not reflect new entries, as the second installment of the sale of condoms. The Executive pointed out that the organic cash generation also grew in the range. "With this, we are able to distribute dividends."
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