terça-feira, 03 de maio, 2016

Adherence to smartphones has never been so high in Brazil, says study

Adherence to smartphones has never been so high in Brazil, revealed a study ComTech. The data raised by Kantar Worldpanel: consumer, found that there was an increase of 9.7% on the purchase of new phones in December last year compared with the same period in 2014. In 2015, the penetration reached 49%, whereas in the previous year stood at 27%-high of 22 percentage points from one year to the next. In 2012 and 2013, respectively, the numbers were 12% and 6%. The new technologies offered by the phones are among the reasons that explain the search for more modern equipment. To make the purchases fit into your pocket, the Brazilians have chosen well with what you''re spending. Most people bet on 500 R$ (46.1%), while only 5.7% opt for models valued at more than 1,501 R$. The average expense of users of smartphones by plan to fall between consumers in the Postpaid mode: in December 2015, the average stood at 72.10 R$. In 2014 was 77.93 R$, while in 2013 the beat R$ 96.10. /Agencies
DCI - 03/05/2016
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