quinta-feira, 28 de abril, 2016

first down on sale of iPhones raises concern about the next model

Ask Siri if iPhone 7 will be the solution to the problems of Apple and you''ll hear that a visit to the Apple Web site will answer this question "and more". Ah, if it were that easy.
Shares of Apple closed in fall of 6.3%, to $ 97.82, this Wednesday (27), removing about $ 36 billion of the market value of the company, a day after the company disclose its first drop in sales of smartphones, arousing debates on the heyday of the iPhone "has arrived.
For many analysts, the immediate future of the company is on iPhone 7, that Apple should launch in September.
"If the iPhone didn''t surprise 7 with new tools useful and meaningful, we worry that customers update their models," wrote Macquarie analyst, Ben Schachter, in a note to clients.
"And, unfortunately, nothing we''ve seen on the iPhone 7 so far surprises us as particularly innovative," said Schachter, who reduced his estimate of target price for Apple stock to $ 117 to $ 112, although it has maintained a rating of above average market performance "for the roles.
The disappointing numbers of Apple fit into a standard for technology companies. Microsoft and Google also released data below than expected.
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