segunda-feira, 21 de março, 2016

The wave of MasterChef, does brand new flavors contest for appetizer

The brand of potatoes relaunched the campaign Ruffles "do me a flavor", which invites consumers to suggest new flavors for the product.
The idea is to take advantage of the growing interest of Brazilians by cooking, evidenced through the success of television shows such as MasterChef, the Band, according to Roberto Satriani Pasqualoni, marketing manager of the brands Ruffles and Doritos.
"In addition, this initiative is strong enough not only to promote the brand, but also to strengthen the sales volume," he says.
The initiative is similar to 2011, when the manufacturer released three products suggested by customers; at the end of the campaign, awarded the creator of taste "Strogonuffles" (potato Stroganoff taste).
That year, the promotion has led to an 8% increase in sales of the brand. The expectation now, second, Pasqualoni is to overcome this number.
According to PepsiCo, which owns the trade mark Ruffles, she is the market leader in its segment, but competition has increased in recent years--for example, with the return to Brazil, in 2013, the Lay''s brand, also from PepsiCo.
R$ 2000 more participation in sales
In the new campaign, the company intends to select 30 suggestions of new flavors made by consumers. Each client must receive R$ 2000 for participation.
In the next stage, the 30 flavors semifinalists will be evaluated by a judging panel of the company and also will vote on social networks.
Three flavors finalists will be developed internally by the company and offered for sale by three months, between September and November this year.
Based on the performance of sales and consumer''s vote on website promotion, will be chosen the winner. The flavor will be on the market during the summer of 2017.
The creator will receive 1% of sales of new potatoes (participation was also given campaign in 2011).
Format and ingredients
To participate in the contest "do yourself a flavor", you need to buy a bag of Ruffles potato, of any size, that have the promotion code.
The new flavor should then be proposed on the site of the trademark (, until June 13. The consumer may also suggest the format of potato, describe the ingredients and create a name for the product.
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